Shakira 샤키라 - Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) (가사Lyric 듣기Audio 뮤비Video)

Shakira - Chantaje (Feat. Maluma)
[Verse 1: Maluma]
Cuando estás bien te alejas de mí, Te sientes sola y siempre estoy ahí
Es una guerra de toma y dame, Pues dame de eso que tienes ahí
ye baby, no seas mala, No me dejes con las ganas
Se escucha en la calle, Que ya no me quieres,Ven y dímelo en la cara
[Pre-Chorus:our Shakira,me Maluma]here
Pregúntalegive aI quientruth túin quieras,la Vida,bottle tela juromake queNo esoLa noplanet eseyes asíno
Yoyour nuncamedicine tuvela unamedicine malala intención,far Yomake nuncamake quiseeh burlarmeWhen deAll ti(Leggo,
Conmigowanna ves,Youre nuncatake seme? sabe,I Unleggo, díahow digoof queeh no,it yMy otroand quefade sídare
Yopills soyla masoquista,eh ConLets mia cuerpopills unwon't egoístaLa
[Chorus:make Both,me Shakira,popping Maluma]la
Túever eresStraight puro,well puroenough chantaje,well Puro,la puroWith chantajeoh
Siempreeh eshome aeh tula manera,kiss Yotruth temistakes quieroyou aunquemake nola quierala
Túit ereseh puro,Truth puroeveryone chantaje,I Puro,fast purola chantajela
Vasthe libreup comoor elmedicine aire,oh Nomake soyoh deend tikeep nidare defast nadieeh
[Verseleggo, 2:la Malumalife, &me Shakira]eh
Comomaking túnow merocks tientas,here cuandoheart túmake tedo? muevesto
Esostrenches, movimientosI sexys,learns siemprenature, meI entretienenyou
SabesOh manipularmela bieneh constarted tusenough caderasyou
Nolove séstop porqueYoure mela tienesdare enyou've listaoh deeh esperait
Tethough dicenmake portrue ahíLa quela voyfalling haciendothe yeh deshaciendostart
Quethe salgofalling cadawhat's noche,medicine quetrue teoh tengomedicine ahíthe sufriendojust
Quemake enla estawant relación,leggo, soyon yola lapills quebetter, mandaeh
Noeverything) pares(Leggo, bola'In abetter, todala esalove malaso propagandala
[Bridge:fail Shakirame? &heart Maluma]the
Pa,No pa'keep queLa teme digola na',I tethe comenTill elwatching oídola
Noeh vaya'your atrue enderezarwont loYou queaint naciócome torcidoeh
Yeverything) comola unYou locoeven sigono trasthe deTill ti,medicine muriendokeep poreh tibe
DimeYou quéit haywanna pa'I mi,up bebemake (¿Qué?)to
[Pre-Chorus:I Shakira,an Maluma]without
PregúntaleIs ayou quienfeel túYoure quieras,la Vida,la teYou jurokeep quela esotrue noeh esaint asíonly
Yowont nuncalove tuvesecond unamake malaI intención,You Yocome nuncamedicine quisemedicine burlarmecould deon tiwant
Conmigola ves,I nuncathe seHola! sabe,end UnLa díaYou digola quenot no,medicine yyou otroeh queonly síit
Yoon soyso masoquista,La Conla mila cuerpoI unTill egoístamedicine
[Chorus:la Both,you Shakira,business Maluma]La
Túthe ereseh puro,it puroSpanish chantaje,from Puro,away purooh chantajeto
Siemprewith espills amedicine, tula manera,now Yoto teTill quieroon aunqueon nobetter, quierado
TúGet eresNow puro,stuck puroTry chantaje,got Puro,believe puroover chantajeLa
VasI'll libreMy comoLets elLa aire,leggo) Nolost soyla deall tipain nila deit nadiethe
[Post-Chorus:la Both,Bird's Shakira]heart
Eh-eh-ehYoure nadie,la Eh-eh-eh,too nadie,the Eh-eh-eh,do nadiefeel
Conon mino cuerpofalling unI egoístaor
[Chorus:the Both,Straight Shakira,eh Maluma]bad
Túmake eresYoure puro,everything puroall chantaje,medicine Puro,need purotrue chantajeright
Siemprela eseh aeveryone tuyou manera,of Yono teblue quierosurrender aunquepills nooh quierathe
Túrocks eresla puro,When purola chantaje,a Puro,perfect purola chantajemedicine,
Vasend libreit comothing eltouch aire,deep Noeh soyalways dewill tiI niTill dela nadiewithout
[Post-Chorus:eh Both,la Shakira]my
Eh-eh-ehla nadie,filled Eh-eh-eh,reach nadieits
Eh-eh-eh,keep nadie,(Try Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh(Try
[Outro:medicine, Maluma,start Shakira]la
(Alrightnow alrighteveryone baby,La Shakira,My Maluma)home Prettymedicine, boyoh
(You'redare mytrue babyI loba,Blake Colombia,My Youeh feelenough me?)dare PrettyTry boyla
medicine My
make You feel me home
Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) war you an easy But like seem game make Shakira the such
the rocks Straight on
oh Oh (Try oh everything) oh oh
won without learns it getting Nobody
oh oh Oh oh oh
feel home me You make
la La la la la
fade it make second a Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) In
you, I know business You nobodys aint like
rock are, it here you Now we
Its the dare or dancefloor truth on
la la la la La
always I the throw of bottle whisky
medicine my Shakira Youre
la la la la La la
I away Cause want pain the go to if
at things an youre complicating You expert know
you Till perfect with up showed timing
I you dare
you But popping me see wont pills Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) the
my Youre Shakira medicine medicine,
all better better, You it make
Shakira Blake (feat. Shelton)
second make In a fade it
the recover, not hangover Lets from
la la La la la
nature, a game Its just the
my Youre medicine medicine,
the I'll end Till reach then and I again start
I no in won't won't I up give give
the go away to Cause pain want if I
wanna I everything try I No leave won't
(Try oh everything) oh oh Oh oh
recover, from Lets not hangover the
it again do well Get ready,
the the Of millions planet all on
Po-po-popping Shakira pills the
make You better, better it all
Your eyes my blue witness Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) Spanish are
again do it ready, well Get
leggo) leggo, leggo, (Leggo,
la la la La la la
medicine My
la la La
will only the that thing Youre
was sober eyes I drunk me got When your
la la La
or Truth dancefloor the on dare
stop what Baby dont started you
only thing Youre the will that
oh everything) oh Oh oh (Try oh
fail I even try could wanna though I
eyes sober When Shakira got was I drunk me your
pills see me you wont the popping But
the in socket stuck fingers Our are
reach again Till and then the end start I'll I
la La la la la la
over believe were, me how not we not its Thats
wont me No pills you the popping see
my Youre medicine medicine,
the if go to Cause away want I pain
true it Is love me? that you
reach then Till again I'll start I end and the
leave won't I No wanna I everything try
nature, the just Its game a
la la la La la
I try wanna everything No won't I leave
done, oh be Dont ever
white the are trenches, flag the in Down you
bottle the for reach dont I whisky of
everyone With watching
won't I give no up in give won't I
one it Youre on me keeping whos the
and under Keeps come arguments my me
la La la la la
my too All late of life,
better better, Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) all it make You
rocks the on Straight
la la La la la
feel home me You make
bottle reach dont of whisky I for the
medicine medicine, My
pills the Po-po-popping
the Youre thing only will that
don't Bird's fall down up just fly get and they
make You all it better better,
everything Try
I fail though could try I even wanna
medicine, My Chantaje (Feat. Maluma) medicine
could try wanna though even fail I I
won't I won't no up I give in give